Mise à jour le 04/12/2024

Présent sur le salon SIAL
Du 19 au 23 octobre 2024
Volailles et gibiers frais Hall 6
CARMISTIN The Food Company - Volailles et gibiers

CARMISTIN The Food Company

Platinum Business & Convention Center, București-P

Stands :
  • Informations société
  • Produits
  • Marques

Informations société

Description :

CARMISTIN, THE FOOD COMPANY, is the number one protein producer in Romania. With a vast portfolio of products ranging from chicken in all possible forms to pork and a wide range of ready-to-eat products, Carmistin boasts a fully integrated 100% chicken production line. Additionally, Carmistin owns the first organic chicken farm in Romania.

With over 20 years of experience in the Romanian agri-food industry, Carmistin Organization has built a strong market reputation by prioritizing product quality and customer care. Driven by a commitment to connect with customers through responsibly sourced products, the companies within the Carmistin Group operate independently but share the same mission: “everything for food.” As a result, this wholly Romanian-owned organization is among the few in Romania that successfully integrates 90% of the agri-livestock production chain.

Carmistin Organization is committed to sustainable development and adheres to regulations and directives on sustainable investment. Its main environmental objectives include reducing carbon emissions, the sustainable use of water resources, transitioning to a circular economy, and preventing pollution.

Domaines d'activité :