Dairy products at the heart of food sustainability and safety

Discover the global dairy industry's 2024 commitments to a sustainable future and explore key sustainability initiatives.
Get your free whitepaper
Cover of the CNIEL White Paper titled 'Dairy Products Central to Food Sustainability and Safety', featuring a glass of milk and a pouring milk visual. Co-branded with the SIAL 60 years logo.

Why is sustainability essential for the dairy industry?

At the heart of life and living things, dairy products face a twofold challenge: to meet strong growth in global demand, while stepping up their commitment to the food transition throughout the value chain, on the road to sustainable development.

3 reasons to download our whitepaper

Clock pictogram - symbol of time management

Save previous time!

Get all the latest data on the global dairy products industry, its challenges, commitments and objectives, so that you can shine in the future and work together with the industry.
Expertise pictogram - symbol of professional expertise

Boost your expertise

From stable to table: understanding how the dairy industry is committed to the transition to more sustainable models.
Consumer knowledge pictogram - symbol of consumer insights

Stay ahead of the curve

Meeting consumer expectations in terms of quality, product information and environmental impact from processing to distribution.

3 key figures from our whitepaper:

  • +14% growth in global consumption of dairy products by volume between 2023 and 2032
  • 59% of consumers are concerned about the environmental and ethical consequences of production (living conditions of animals, remuneration of producers, environmental impact, etc.).
  • 63% of consumers say they prefer to buy food products with a low environmental impact or reduced carbon footprint (+5pts vs. 2022).


This white paper includes:

  • An overview in figures: the position of the dairy industry in the world today.
  • The approach: the industry's commitment to more sustainable food.
  • On the farm: between animal health, animal welfare and the welfare of those who rear them.
  • At process and product level: towards less impactful sites for healthier, safer and certified production.
  • For the consumer: informing and helping people to consume better for a sustainable relationship.
  • Companies and people: from internal social responsibility to external solidarity initiatives.

Download the dairy products whitepaper now!

Find out more about the food issues facing the dairy sector and the agri-food industry as a whole. From the farm to the table, locally or globally, the players in the dairy sector, whose voice is carried by CNIEL, share with you the information you need to think about the sustainable future of food.

Download the whitepaper
Person holding a smartphone displaying the CNIEL white paper cover titled 'Dairy Products: Central to Food Sustainability and Safety'.

This year, for the first time, SIAL Paris, the world's largest food trade fair, has teamed up with the CNIEL to produce this white paper to highlight the commitments and players in the international dairy sector.


Ready to discover the world dairy industry's commitments?

Download our white paper to find out more about the sustainable initiatives, innovations and best practices adopted by the global dairy industry.


Created in 1974, the Centre National Interprofessionnel de l'Économie Laitière (CNIEL) is the association that brings together the organisations representing cow's milk producers, private dairy companies, dairy cooperatives and players in the trade, distribution and catering sectors. Cniel represents the shared desire of its members to work together to build a structured, efficient and sustainable dairy industry, rooted in the regions and open to the society and world of today and tomorrow.
SIAL Paris' entrance

See you in October!

SIAL Paris is the leading trade fair for food challenges worldwide.

We work hand in hand with all the players in the food industry.

Join your peers from 19 to 23 October 2024 at Paris Nord Villepinte.

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