Experience the extraordinary with our exclusive guided tours at SIAL Paris. Don't miss any of the event's highlights!
Book a guided tour at SIAL Paris

Guided tours, discovery courses

In 2022, SIAL Paris introduced guided tours around major themes related to innovation.

This was an opportunity for visitors to discover the show from a different angle. Several themes were proposed throughout the show. Our experts decoded for you the new trends and news in terms of innovation.

Five main themes were proposed to you:

  • Intermediate Food Products (IFP)
  • Consumer Goods
  • Innovative Packaging
  • Food Transition
  • Trends and Innovations of SIAL Paris 
  • Catering and Food Service (CFS)

Find all the details in the frame "The tours" below.

Soak up SIAL's atmosphere and follow the guide.

The event was free of charge and did not require prior registration: access was subject to availability of places.

Partners of the event 2022


Gourmetise is recognized as a trend-spotter and food product scout, led by its founder Sophie Delmas. As an expert in the restaurant market (marketing, business development...), Sophie is passionate about foodservice in the broadest sense, able to work with brands from fast food to gastronomic actors, piloting growth and development projects (products or concepts) with innovation as a common thread. Curious and eager to learn about the world around her, she offers companies her vision of the market, her network, her knowledge and skills (project management, calls for tender, product development...)
References: SSP, McDonald's, Elior, Tarbouriech, Petrossian...


Equipped with relevant global innovation monitoring tools adapted to the world of food and Nutraceuticals, our team has become an expert and makes its skills available to companies that want to develop, innovate and create value, or enhance the benefits of their products from a Nutritional, Taste, Clean, Natural or Pleasure aspects... Deciphering major trends, emergences and "soft noises", detecting potential innovations, discerning the ideas that bring profit, reputation and image: we are "head hunters" for new opportunities, new distribution methods and new developments. Specialized in nutrition, health and well-being, we develop communication tools adapted to these messages, which are so sensitive because they touch the individual even in his or her private life. Talking to consumers, prescribers, medias and professionals: that's our job!


Christophe Morin, 49 years old, packaging engineer, has more than 25 years of experience in the development of packaging solutions for many mass and medium consumption products, for the food, non-food and pharmaceutical industries. After having worked as a Packaging Project Manager in the pharmaceutical industry (GSK), he took charge of the development of packaging for delicatessen, UHT and cheese products for the Olga Group (ex Triballat Noyal - Vrai brands, Sojasun, Sojade, Merzer...) In 2009, he created his own consulting and training structure under the PackEthik banner, and then founded PackAgile, to help marketers in their innovation, eco-design and recyclability improvement processes. For his clients, he pilots numerous projects in favor of recycling, circular economy, and the reduction of single-use plastics.

Protéines XTC

XTC is a consulting agency at the service of all manufacturers, distributors and service providers involved in the design and marketing of new consumer products, particularly food products. In 1995, XTC designed database™, the first worldwide database of food innovations on the Internet, as well as the Trend Tree, a food trend segmentation tool used today throughout the world.


StripFood is an online media outlet with a mission to decode and share the story of food, including everything that impacts it, in order to reinstate its crucial role in shaping our society. As an independent platform, we strive to provide thorough coverage and analysis of the food industry.
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  • Salon du Fromage et des Produits Laitiers - Paris
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