A unique insight into the food challenges of tomorrow and how to meet them.

A unique insight to understand and respond to the food challenges of tomorrow

Commissioned by SIAL, SIAL Insights is an exclusive study combining 3 major international studies to decipher consumer expectations, trends in food innovation, and trends in out-of-home catering and retail on a global scale.

This study results from the synergy between the food 360™ study carried out by Kantar every two years for SIAL, the global innovation barometer by ProtéinesXTC, and the study of trends in mass consumption and out-of-home catering carried out by Circana.

The full results of SIAL Insights are available in a trends booklet, which can be downloaded here.

3 trends that confirm the central place of food in our lives:


More than one in 2 new food products is linked to pleasure 52% (vs 47%)

Source: ProtéinesXTC


For almost one in three people, conviviality is one of the reasons for going out to eat

Source: Circana


74% of people think that their diet may present a health risk. This figure is rising (+4pts), with a notable increase in the United States and Europe (France +7pts to 72%).

Source: Kantar

Food tech notebook: food & technology is already tomorrow!

The 90s: digital technology enters the food sector through e-commerce. Boosted by changes in habits linked to the pandemic, it is now the daily tool for fast, optimised shopping. More generally, it provides access to a wide range of services, particularly helping people choose healthier, more sustainable, sometimes fun, and often gourmet food.

New production models and manufacturing techniques, reduced impact, stock and resource management - digital technology is also, and above all, the industry's ally in meeting the challenges of the ongoing transition.

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