Through SIAL Paris African Food Summit, you have explored and understood the emerging trends on the African continent in both gastronomy and product design, where innovation is taking root.

When Africa invents the food of the future

The African continent cannot be reduced to a continent of poverty and conflict, or to the new market that the development of its urban middle class makes us hope for. Because the continent is so diverse, Africa is asserting its food sovereignty and its ability to invent the food of the future, in terms of business models, products and gastronomy.

Innovation is everywhere: among craftswomen, new SMEs, popular catering and the ways in which the agri-food sector is organized are inspiring responses to the demographic, economic, climatic and health challenges facing the continent.

Working with Africa means questioning historical inertia and preconceived ideas, and recognizing the continent's endogenous dynamics.

The SIAL international food show invited you to experience this new vision at the Summit.

Be part of the african food summit -  PROSPER CASHEW SPONSORS THE SUMMIT

Explore solutions with us!

  • Agri-food: Employment and investment

Africa needs to create 30,000 jobs per million inhabitants every year to sustain its demographic growth. The agri-food sector faces a major challenge. Micro and small companies, which attract young people to rural manufacturing, urban distribution and catering, struggle to secure financing due to their size and number. How can we break through this barrier to meet employment and investment needs?

  • Food cultures: a heritage on the move

Is Africa losing its food culture to westernization and standardization? Consumption habits are changing with new distribution methods. However, the diversity of food practices in cities reveals a different reality. African cuisine, rich and varied, reinvents itself by drawing on local and external influences, reflecting the diversity of populations and the diaspora. How can this heritage resist uniformization?

  • Tomorrow is us!

A new generation of entrepreneurs is investing in the food industry. Often internationalized and well connected, they represent new perspectives for the food sector. They value local products, encourage solidarity and incarnate a modern "Afropolitanism". How will this generation define the food of tomorrow?

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PROSPER CASHEW - Sponsor of the Summit

Implemented in Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Ghana by TechnoServe, Prosper Cashew is a Seven and half (7.5) -year project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Food for Progress (FFPr) program. The project, which began in October 2020, acts as a catalyst for the sector by strengthening cashew processing plants, facilitating access to much-needed working capital and demonstrating the business case for additional investment flows in the sector. It also supports the marketing of West African cashew kernels by bringing together local processors and international buyers.


"Bridging the gap between food science disciplines and supporting different stakeholders to deliver more sustainable food systems"

The UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems was founded in 2011 by Professor Jean-Louis Rastoin (Montpellier SupAgro) with a multidisciplinary group of teachers and researchers from various institutions of the Agropolis campus (Montpellier, France). It was accredited by UNESCO for a first 4-year cycle, and again in 2015 and 2019.

The Chair has consolidated a number of core commitments through its activities over the years:

  • Food is a major issue for societies and represents a vital link between humans and the environment. It is an essential component of human health and that of the planet, of their wellbeing and that of other living organisms, of social bonds and cultural identity building. Food is concurrently an economic, social, political and artistic activity.
  • Embedding societal issues in training and research is necessary to boost the relevance of these activities.
  • Scientific disciplines should interact and converse with other forms of knowledge (professional, artistic, etc.) and with citizens—thereby overcoming barriers to knowledge.


CIRAD is France's agricultural research and international cooperation agency for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. Through its Cirad'Innov® offering for socio-economic operators, it is committed to co-constructing and transferring innovative solutions to agricultural and environmental issues. As regards more specific aspects of agri-food processing, the Qualisud research unit works in the field of food processing, from the production process after harvesting or slaughtering to the assessment of its sensory quality in the mouth, its nutritional quality, its health benefits, its safety and its technological properties.