Parc d'Activités de Cahors Sud
ZI de la Crozette - 300 allée du Cap
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Press release (1)
La Rose des sables conquers the world
10 | 01 | 2024
BISCUITERIE FINE DE FRANCE STAND 5B P087 wants to spread the world about the most traditional of French family pastries…
How many parents and grandparents have been making this pastry with their children and grandchildren for decades in France: La Rose des Sables
So many childhood memories...
Biscuiterie Fine de France wants to export this tradition beyond our borders...
What company could be better placed than Biscuiterie Fine de France to export this pastry, part of the culinary heritage of the French.
A company name evocative of its ambitions, a key player in the French biscuit industry, genuine expertise such as meringue and fond de succès and biscuit toppings. BISCUITERIE FINE DE FRANCE is proud to boast a know-how that is unique in France on this scale: the production of its Roses des Sables.
Biscuiterie Fine de France produces the traditional milk and black flavours, as well as assortments and exclusive flavours such as Ruby and Caramel.
The Caramel flavour, the latest addition to the range, is a nod to the origin of the name of this pastry, as its colour is very representative of the formation of minerals that can be found in nature, and which gave its name to the famous Rose des Sables pastry.