Worldwide non-alcoholic drinks market
Non-alcoholic drinks recorded worldwide sales of nearly $1,040 billion in 2021. This category includes mineral water, fruit juice, sparkling drinks, lemonades, concentrates, energy drinks, iced tea and herbal infusions and functional drinks.
Here, the dominant product is sparkling drinks, accounting for 65% of the market according to Statista. Dominated by brands such as PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper Snapple, the soda segment nonetheless suffers sometimes from a negative image in the minds of consumers, due to the presence of ingredients such as sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings or preservatives.
With the pressure of the sugar tax which has now been levied by many countries, drinks brands are seeking to innovate to find more natural alternatives which also reflect the new tastes of consumers.
While North America and Europe appreciate fizzy drinks, the countries in the Asia-Pacific region -Japan, China and India leading the way - prove to be very keen on energy drinks. Together, they account for 30% of the world market which should amount to $89 billion by 2027.
Water remains the most-consumed non-alcoholic drink in the world. In 2020, more than 450 billion litres of bottled water were drunk around the world
In fact, this is the most dynamic market in the sector, enjoying a much more positive image for consumer health than sodas and juices with their high sugar content. Some countries such as Mexico, Poland, Italy, Turkey and Germany are big consumers of bottled water, with more than 70% of their inhabitants being regular drinkers.
The soft drinks market in France
The French soft drinks market remains largely dominated by soft drinks. By 2022, sales of over €10 billion will account for more than 65% of total sales of non-alcoholic drinks in France.
But French consumers are also increasingly turning towards natural products such as iced tea. This category, which grew by 13% in 2020, is now the third largest market segment, with 434 million litres sold in France, behind still fruit drinks, which are in second place at nearly 500 million litres sold. In terms of growth, two brands in particular stand out: Innocent with +14% (fruit juice) and Lipton with +7% (iced tea) in 2022. (LSA)
Still growing, but with a smaller market share, are energy drinks, with sales of over €200 million in 2022, 8% more than in 2019, making for the second highest increase in the year after iced tea. making them the year's second-best performer after iced teas. (Boissons énergisantes France)
Non-alcoholic drinks at SIAL
In 2022, this sector combined with hot drinks brought together 593 exhibitors at SIAL Paris, among which 94% came from outside France, evidencing the worldwide reach that this event enjoys in the non-alcoholic drinks world.
The stakeholders in this sector find in SIAL the unique opportunity to showcase their products, launch the new products and discover those of their competitors from all around the world.
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