Updated on 09/04/2024

Spent Grain Flour - <p>Agrain spent grain flour is a delicious, versatile, and functional flour ingredient for the food industry.</p>

<p>It is designed for bakers and food innovators searching for unique solutions with flavour, quality, and sustainability in mind. . Spent grains are packed with unique aromas, natural colour, and are high in protein and fibre. We mill the spent grains to industry standard and use an algorithm to achieve a consistent blend every time. As a result, substituting regular flour for Agrain flour is an effortless – and sustainable – way to enhance nutrition, elevate taste, and give an authentic feel to your products.</p>

Spent Grain Flour

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Detailed description

Agrain spent grain flour is a delicious, versatile, and functional flour ingredient for the food industry.

It is designed for bakers and food innovators searching for unique solutions with flavour, quality, and sustainability in mind. . Spent grains are packed with unique aromas, natural colour, and are high in protein and fibre. We mill the spent grains to industry standard and use an algorithm to achieve a consistent blend every time. As a result, substituting regular flour for Agrain flour is an effortless – and sustainable – way to enhance nutrition, elevate taste, and give an authentic feel to your products.