Updated on 07/03/2024

SPECIAL SUGAR - SPECIAL RAW - <p>All the natural goodness is preserved in the Special Raw Natural Classic sugar. Its intense molasses aroma is immediately perceived while its fine warm golden crystals add colour to daily recipes. Special Raw Sugar is commonly used as a natural ingredient in the food and wine industry.</p>

<p>Suitable for vegetarians and vegans</p>

<p>Certifications: Kosher, Halal, and BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard</p>

<p>Available in: 25 KGS Bags, 50 KGS Bags, 1.05T Bags ,1.1T Bags</p>

<p>Additional information</p>

<p>Polarisation    <br />
98.8 – 99.50 Min °Z</p>

<p>Colour (I.U)    <br />
800 – 1500</p>

<p>Moisture (%)    <br />
0.15 Max</p>

<p>Grain Size    <br />
0.85 – 1.1 mm</p>


Stands :
  • Detailed description
  • Exhibitor

Detailed description

All the natural goodness is preserved in the Special Raw Natural Classic sugar. Its intense molasses aroma is immediately perceived while its fine warm golden crystals add colour to daily recipes. Special Raw Sugar is commonly used as a natural ingredient in the food and wine industry.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Certifications: Kosher, Halal, and BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard

Available in: 25 KGS Bags, 50 KGS Bags, 1.05T Bags ,1.1T Bags

Additional information

98.8 – 99.50 Min °Z

Colour (I.U)    
800 – 1500

Moisture (%)    
0.15 Max

Grain Size    
0.85 – 1.1 mm